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Esoteric Dialogue is a drama that tries to bring to limelight the evil in the society. An upright man, professor Olanka has been discharged of his duty as a lecturer for
instigating the other campus members against the campus authority by staging an industrial protest. He lost the favour of the school authorities with this action of his. In order to save his dignity and avoid joining the band wagon of other staff to compromise his position, he turned to writing which is his hobby. He became a wretched fellow who could not afford the basic necessities of life not to talk of the luxuries that his colleagues are now enjoying for bending on their standard. He refused to accept the trend of ill-gotten wealth which seems to be the only way to live the type of flamboyant life his co-workers are living. He still suffered domestic pressure from his wife to join others and contradict his aspirations and principles in order to upgrade their family status.

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He was given an invitation to come and serve in the capacity of the Chairman of the Oil Revenue Board under the government of his country while he is still battling his present ordeal. At first, he rejected the offer as this seems as another avenue to get him compromised. But after a persistence pressure and conviction from family members and close friends, he bowed to pressure and accepted the offer.

While serving as the Board Chairman, he did his best by ensuring that he mitigates the sharp practices that have been the norm. He paid more attention to the needs of the lower ranked workers than the dignitaries whose interests are to gallivant from one country oversea to another. He ensured that the recruitment process was very transparent and fair and is devoid of nepotism and favoritism by respected and influential people. He is very passionate about the needy and as a result, he requested that Uncle Newman, a Rastafarian, be rehabilitated. He despises the looting of the state treasury as he sees this as rubbing the people he is entrusted to service. He refused to comply to the directive from the executive to release a huge sum of money which runs in billions for the reelection of the incumbent president. His decision on this has once again set him against the shady cabinet members as their leader Chief Gboza who had given him direction on how to smoothen the release of the fund by awarding non-existing contracts for the supply of such amenities like the stationery, toiletries and other false necessities made sure that he was not only fired from being the Chairman but also brought to the panel of enquiry for false corrupt charges. 

This led to his arrest and detention and later prosecuted before the panel headed by Dr. Gboza’s Rtd. Justice, Mrs. Matalon who is a member of the panel. Mrs. Matalon ensured that Mr. Olanka was convicted on the count charge that he collected a calendar gift which is regarded as bribe. During the panel proceeding, area boys and students who felt that Mr. Olanka is being witch hunted for being who has chosen to be, entered the panel, disrupted the activities of the court, and bullied the accusers of Prof. Olanka. He was release acquitted and made a Hero and a model as he had his statue erected in the building where he once lived like others that the Authority wanted to intimidate, during the refurbishment and restructuring of the building.
Prof. later narrated his experience while in detention while giving a speech during an honorary invitation and reception of the General Manager in care of the building, Lady Ann. He explained that he was so bored and had nothing to write on other than a poem on a wall gecko which was the only living companion he had.
Due to the respect accorded to him, everyone is attendance envied him and learnt that transparency and uprightness supersedes corruption and sharp practices.

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Keywords: 2017 Novels, Summary, Drama, Esoteric, Dialogue, Africa Novels, Best African Drama