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How to naturally decide the sex (gender) of your child

How to naturally decide the sex of your baby

In the olden days, women are blamed for having children of same sex all through.

 But today research has shown that the gender of a baby lies within the capacity of the man. It is the man that possesses both the X and Y chromosomes while the woman possesses only the X chromosome. By implication, it means that the couple produces a male child only when the man releases a Y chromosome. But should they man release X chromosome then the gender of their baby will be female.

That fact having been established, I want to intimate you on another interesting fact which is that Y chromosome dies faster than X chromosome. Y chromosome does not last longer than 24hours while X chromosome last for as long as 72 hours. It is on this fact that we will build our trial and error practice.

In my last post, I explained what ovulation means and how to calculate a woman's ovulation period. In case you missed it then go to the homepage and read it.

Using the method I am about to explain now, it is easier to target and get a male child than a female. The reason is thus:

If you wish to have a male child, the only thing you need to do is to have sex with your wife on the first day of her ovulation. This will give the Y chromosome a higher chances of fertilising the egg. If the egg fertilises within 24hours, chances are that the child will most likely be a male.

On the other hand, if it is a female child that you need, all you need to do is to have sex with your wife when it will take more than atleast 24 hours before her ovulation. This will enable the Y chromosome to die off before her ovulation occurs and this implies that the X chromosome will fertilise the egg.

The difficulty encountered in getting a female child arises in

- Ensuring that ovulation occurs within 72 hours of sexual intercourse. If ovulation does not occur within this time frame, the implication is that both X and Y chromosomes will die and there will be no fertilisation. Hence, the next time you will be meeting your wife maybe too close before ovulation occurs and this will decrease the chances of getting the female child because the Y chromosome will be active to fertilise the egg unless conception is delayed till
the next month.

This is the natural way of getting a child with the gender of your choice.

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