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1. Read the instructions carefully: There was one purported exam question that surfaced online some time ago and the purpose of that set of questions was to test the students patience and ability to read instructions before answering questions. This is very important because in some cases, students answer questions that they are not suppose to answer. In some other cases the students either answer more questions than they are requested to answer or answer less than they were expected to answer. Whichever case, the most important message here is for you to read the instructions carefully and properly before jumping to answer the questions.

2. Start from the ones you know: This is very crucial as forcing yourself to remember the ones you don't know can destabilize you and thus making you to forget the ones that you know.

3. Have confidence in what you know: confidence is the key word in every examination. Don't be afraid to write that which is coming to your mind and never ever cancel what you have written to write the one written by another person all because you feel the person knows it better than you do.

4. Never ever use correction fluid: in the event that you make mistakes in an examination Hall, just strike through with your pen. It is not advisable to use correction fluid of whatsoever.

5. Answer according to the way/method you were taught in the classroom: The rule in an examination Hall is not to answer the questions as you read it anywhere be it online or from a textbook different from recommended ones but to answer the questions and apply the necessary principles as you were taught by your lecturers. Example is a student who chooses to solve multiple regression equation using matrix equation method whereas the lecturer taught you with linear equation method. The truth is, you may not fail the question per say but you may not be able to earn your deserved mark.

6. Don't underestimate any question: Don't ever see any question as very cheap as such may not carry high mark.
If you are asked to choose between questions, it is advisable to go for the questions you know better no matter how easy it may appear in relative to other questions. And should the questions have their respective marks attached to them, it is better to answer even the ones with the lowest marks as no mark is a waste.

7. Write all that you know: Thinking that you have written too much in an examination Hall is a wrong notion. You can't write too much but you can write too little depending on whether what you are writing is right or wrong. Therefore, exhaust what you have in your mind/memory and leave the lecturer to do his job.

8. Exhaust the time given to you for the examination: The first to submit in an examination Hall is not always the best in that examination. There is no award for the first to submit so why the rush? Take your time and write your examination. Before you were given 2hours to answer the questions, the lecturer has evaluated the questions and knows the appropriate time it will take both the fast and slow writers to finish the examination. So when you see yourself submitting one hour before the end of the examination, then know that there is a problem.

9. Re-read all that you have written: Should you finish the exam some minutes before the given time elapsed, instead of rushing to submit while not sit back and read what you have written again for corrections and completion of whatever you may have left out?

10. Finally, don't delay submitting your answer script on time: The end result of all the examination process is to get the answer booklet back to the lecturer for assessment and evaluation. So try and ensure you get your answer sheet to the right place at the right time to avoid misplacement, deduction from your script by the lecturer or at the extreme case tearing your answer booklet.

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